Talent Reservation
- The length of talent may not exceed 1 minute 30 seconds (90 seconds).
- Performance talents must be included on the list of MAHQ Approved Performance Talents attached below.
- Music choices are granted on a first come, first served basis. Duplication of music selections will not be permitted.
- If you are using a medley or remix, you must list the names of all the songs in the medley or remix. No more than 2 songs are permitted.
- Tap dancers cannot have tap sounds on the background track and singers cannot have background voices singing the melody, instrumentalists cannot have the accompaniment play the melody.
- The use of props is prohibited UNLESS a prop is a necessary part of the talent, which must be approved in advance by the Producer.
- You will be notified by email if there is a problem with your requested talent reservation.
- PLEASE provide a copy of the lyrics (full verse for monologue, theatrical performance, or HERStory) with your online submissions as directed on the portal.
- If you are performing a HERStory presentation, please reference "HERStory" in Type of Talent below, include the Title where indicated below, and put "N/A" in the Composer section.